Thursday, January 19, 2006

Memo to SLCA members from Vice President Pete Territo (Jan. 12, 2006)

Date: January 12, 2006

To: All Association Members

From: Pete Territo, SLCA Vice-president

Re: Meeting with the Mayor’s representatives

Mr. Shamlin, Mrs. Shamlin, and I met with Hampton Grunewald, executive assistant to the mayor, and David Guillory, Engineer, to discuss the widening of staring lane. We expressed our major concern that homeowners would be forced to relocate if Staring Lane was widened to a four lane boulevard. All parties involved freely and openly expressed their views. After much discussion, Mr. Grunewald asked what we felt was a good compromise that the Association would support.

Mr. Shamlin immediately requested that Staring Lane be widened to only three lanes. Mr. Grunewald and Mr. Guillory reported that three lanes would not present a workable solution due to existing traffic counts, as well as future increases in traffic. This fact was previously reported to Association members by Mr. Shamlin at the January 9, 2006 meeting.

We next presented to the Mayor’s representatives the next priorities of the Association that were previously approved by the members. We reported that the association would support (1) a four lane street without a center turn lane, (2) curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, (3) underground utilities, (4) additional turn lanes at the intersection of Boone and Staring only (due to heavy traffic), and (5) the land for the additional two lanes would be taken from both sides of Staring Lane.

Mr. Grunewald stated that he would present our requests to the Mayor and report back to us by Thursday, January 19, 2006.

Mr. And Mrs. Shamlin and I believe that Mr. Grunewald and Mr. Guillory were suitably impressed with the appropriateness of the Association’s concerns and we feel that this opportunity provided the association with the most favorable opportunity to influence the Mayor’s decisions in the future.

A full report of the Mayor’s response will be reported to the membership at the February meeting.


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