Monday, January 14, 2008

January 13, 2008 -- Letter from Pete Territo

To: All Staring Lane Community Association members

From: Pete Territo, Vice President
Staring Lane Community Association

Re: Staring Lane proposed roadwork

I am sending you this message to keep you apprised of the latest developments on the Staring Lane project. I spoke to Brad Ponder with CSRS on Friday afternoon (January 11, 2008). Brad was able to share the following information with us.

1. CSRS presented a status report to the mayor.
2. The delay was due to the extensive research regarding the sewer line.
3. The Department of Public Works personally contacted those homeowners who will be impacted by the proposed roadwork. The homes that will be impacted are on the North end of Staring Lane on the East side of the road. (If traveling on Staring Lane toward Perkins Road, that would be the homes on the right side of the road.)
4. Current plans indicate that an average of 15 feet from the centerline will be required from both sides of Staring Lane for the proposed boulevard. That includes four traffic lanes and a median. More space may be required in some areas and less space in other areas.
5. They are not finished with the plans, but "are close".
6. Brad Ponder said that they were attempting to minimize the impact to homeowners as much as possible.
7. A public hearing will be held by early February to present the plan to homeowners. CSRS will bring plans that illustrate the roadway as well as the drainage and sewer system.
8. Brad said that he would answer any questions from homeowners and asked that we bring our concerns to the meeting. He said that we may be able to negotiate for items of great concern to us.
9. I asked Brad if the Executive Committee could meet with CSRS before the public meeting. He declined stating that they would present the information to everyone at the public meeting.

Make sure that you write your concerns on paper so that we will cover all important points. I have asked Sham to call an executive committee meeting as soon as we are informed of the specific date and time of the public meeting. If you send me your concerns by mail or e-mail, I will make sure that they are discussed at the Executive Committee Meeting. We will develop a comprehensive list of concers to present to CSRS.

Brad Ponder asked if we could find a location for the public meeting on Staring Lane so that it would be convenient for the members in our community. Darral Brown has agreed to allow us to meet at the General Assembly Church of Baton Rouge for the public meeting. The Church will be able to accomodate the large number of people that will be impacted by future developments on Staring Lane. He is attempting to contact Brad Ponder to arrange a specific date and time for the meeting, and will provide us the specific information as soon as possible.

The Association officers will keep you informed as new developments arise.


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