Monday, May 29, 2006

CSRS Inc. Meeting - April 17, 2006

Staring Lane Community Association
CSRS Inc.,

Meeting: Tuesday, April 17, 2006
2:00 PM – 3:30 P-M, CST

Meeting Location: CSRS Inc
Chenevert Songy Rodi Soderberg
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Attendees: CSRS, Inc. – Michael B. Songy, President, Brad Ponder, P.E.
SLCA – Executive Bd

Discussion Recap -

1. What is CSRS role as Project Managers of Green Light Plan?
CSRS services as Program Managers for Green Light.
4 Project teams, each team will handle nine (9) projects each.
Mr. Thomas Lee to address Staring Lane project.
Phase 1 – Program Development – completed end of 2007
Bonding Issues $125 Million sold
This phase called Concept Development which will include the follow;
DPW /DODT requirements,
Right of Way
Utilities - note power lines will only be moved – same as they are now.
Budget estimates

2. What planning and scheduling of projects is in place at this time?
Mid Summer report of planning
RFQ for Design work to be issue, each street project will have
a contracted designer.

3. Does final decisions of the projects rest with CSRS, DPW, or Mayor?
Final decision made by the Mayor, but CSRS will
shape decisions and will minimize impact to residents, avoid total taking of property but will have difficult decisions.

4. Does CSRS influence Green Light projects planning and how?

5. Who is the CSRS communication point of contact with city parish relative to project management? Peter Newkirk, head of DPW

6. Does ABMS Summary apply to CSRS planning or has any affect on planning for Staring Lane? What are the traffic data sources?
Are more traffic studies planned?
ABMS document not viewed as creditable, pre-mature,
CSRS will start with a clean slate.

Staring Lane current traffic observations, both directions time of day only significant traffic occurs at normal drive hours Monday thru Friday;
7:30 AM to 8:30 AM
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
3:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Also reduction in traffic occurred after January 1st 2006.
Planning for 2025 even if 3 lanes built right of way for 5 lanes
would be aquired.

7. Property Issues:
a. Where will property be taken from? East side, West side, both?

b. Will zoning changes be necessary relative to current property?

c. Will excessive taking of property for right of way , total property acquisitions be required?

d. Why would 4 or 5 lanes be needed?

e. What is the official setback for home on Staring Lane ?

Key is location of home to right of way required for 5 lanes
measuring from the middle of the street
See Planning Commission

8. Other projects in place and their impact on Staring Lane project.

a. Four (4) lane improvement Perkins Rd. between Essen Lane
and Bluebonnet Rd
b. Staring Lane at Highland Road intersection
c. Staring Lane to Burbank extension
d. Four (4) lane improvement to Burbank
e. Interstate I-10 improvements between College Drive and Highland Rd Area.

9. Staring Lane Community Association request :

a. Staring Lane traffic improvement should be limited to three (3)

b. Staring Lane is a residential community and should maintain
that character.

c. Three lanes will also be LESS intrusive to the neighborhood than four or five lanes.

d. Residents of the street should not have home taken nor their current quality of life taken away.

e. Improve Staring Lane in same three (3) lane configuration as
Lobdell Ave. (Goodwood to Jefferson Hwy.) This street
project was just completed measuring .6 mile at a cost of
$2,500,000.00 . It has the same characteristics as Staring Lane

Schedule next meeting if needed


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