Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Request for additional information re: Staring project

From: carmichael@csrsonline.com
To: gwynnshamlin@cox.net; gwynnshamlin@hotmail.com
CC: Songy@csrsonline.com; Ponder@csrsonline.com
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:54:13 -0600
Subject: Staring Lane Community Association Additional Request for Information

Mr. Shamlin:

We have addressed your concerns below regarding your phone call and subsequent email request for additional information concerning upcoming Staring Lane extension and roadway improvements scheduled under the City-Parish Green Light Plan Program.

When are the owners of the 12 affected homes going to be given something in writing regarding the city's intentions & promises?
DPW will not provide an official notice to property owners to acquire right of way until the final right of way maps are completed. At the time the acquisition process begins, additional written information regarding relocation assistance will be provided to the property owners. The public meeting was our communication to those owners that we are proceeding forward with final plans that will require the relocation of their homes.

Please provide us with a copy of the Right-away-Plan for Staring in 20 scale-Print sheets that would include all features w/dimensions. This would allow us to see a typical cross-section of all of our homes and their relationship to the plan. I am available to pick this request up ASAP.
As mentioned above, final right of way maps have not yet been developed. Regarding the typical cross section, we can provide you with a hard copy of the plan that was available for viewing at the public meeting that depicts in preliminary form the information you are requesting. Please let me know which roadway segment that you are interested in and I can provide it for you to pick up.

Should you need further assistance, please contact me. Thank you.

Debbie Carmichael
GLP Communications Coordinator
(225) 769-0546, Ext. 215


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