Letter to Pete Newkirk (April 1, 2010)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 10:28:58 -0700
From: peterterrito@bellsouth.net
To: pnewkirk@brgov.com
CC: gwynnshamlin@hotmail.com; peterterrito@bellsouth.net
April 1, 2010
Mr. Pete Newkirk,
DPW Director
Hello Pete,
As we discussed in our telephone conversation yesterday, I am sending you the major concerns that The Staring Lane Community Association brought to the attention of Jeff Hollman, Mike Songy, and you over a year ago.
1. We, the Association, are requesting that all power and utility lines be placed underground. This includes the Entergy transmission lines as well as the electrical service to the residences and businesses.
2. We are requesting that all cable and telephone services also be located underground.
3. We are requesting that the speed limit remains 35 miles per hour, and not 45 as depicted on the signage plan.
4. We are requesting that the servitude ends at the limit of construction lines. We do not feel that the Staring Lane residents need to subsidize a "Land Bank" for the City. We have always stipulated that only the minimum amount of homeowner property should be taken from the homeowners.
5. We are requesting double driveway entrances for those residents who wish to have one. Shamlin made this request earlier and it is presently of greater importance once we learned that many residences will be 16 feet from the servitude. This is a safety issue as residents will need the space to turn around before entering Staring Lane in the future.
6. We are requesting a timeline for the various phases of the Staring Lane Green Light Project.
7. Where feasable, we are requesting that the tall, large trees on Staring Lane be saved and trimmed as were trees found near other right of ways, ie... Airline Highway from Florida Blvd to Old Hammond Highway, as well as in other areas of the city.
8. We are requesting that a single traffic lane be utilized on both sides of the median since the new traffic count indicates less traffic than originally listed, ie.. streets such as Kennilworth, Sherwood forest, etc,,,
Your prompt response to this message will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideration.
Pete Territo, Ph. D.
SLCA Vice President
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