Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

To: SLCA Members

From: Pete Territo, SLCA Vice-President

Re: Response from Pete Newkirk, Director DPW

For the past three years we have been trying to get straight answers to our concerns regarding the proposed Staring Lane Green Light Project. Pete Newkirk responded with the letter that follows this message. His responses immediately follow the numbered questions that we posed to him.

We will discuss the ramifications of his responses at our next meeting THIS Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. at the Magnolia Woods clubhouse. Please be there as this is an extremely important meeting. We will also discuss our search for appraisers so that we may make a counter offer to what the city is willing to pay us for our property and landscaping, and also severances. Please contact your neighbors and let them know about the meeting. We need everyone at this meeting!!!!!!

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


--- On Fri, 4/9/10, Peter Newkirk wrote:
From: Peter Newkirk Subject: FW: Latest from the Staring ResidentsTo: "''" Cc: "'Songy, Michael'" Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 8:17 AM

Pete: Below are responses to the concerns related to the Staring Lane Road Improvement project. Let me know if you have any questions or need further information.

Pete Newkirk, P.E.
DPW Director
City of Baton Rouge

(225) 389-3158

April 1, 2010

Mr. Pete Newkirk,
DPW Director

Hello Pete,

As we discussed in our telephone conversation yesterday, I am sending you the major concerns that The Staring Lane Community Association brought to the attention of Jeff Hollman, Mike Songy, and you over a year ago.

We, the Association, are requesting that all power and utility lines be placed underground. This includes the Entergy transmission lines as well as the electrical service to the residences and businesses.

We have requested and Entergy has provided their projected cost to put the electric transmission and service lines underground. We are currently projecting that the total ADDITIONAL cost to the City-Parish of putting electric, cable, and telephone lines underground vs. overhead would be approximately $ 1,800,000. This proposal does NOT include installing underground electric from the right of way to each individual house as Entergy was not willing to even consider estimating that as each property owner would have to consent to a right of entry. Therefore, even though this proposal would provide for the main service line to be underground, Entergy would still need to place power poles at each property line to provide the overhead dip to each structure.

The projected cost and fact that it still does not achieve 100% underground facilities deems this as an excessive cost in expending public funds that are specifically targeted for road improvements and not utility systems.

That being said, we are exploring with Entergy the possibility of installing taller poles that will lift the lines above the majority of the overhanging limbs and would go a long way in reducing the amount of overhanging limbs that will have to be cut. Once Entergy finalizes their concept and cost estimate on this we will be in a position to make a decision going forward.

Regarding the transmission lines, these would be overhead on the taller poles based upon the proposal that is currently being developed.

We are requesting that all cable and telephone services also be located underground.

Same response as item 1

3. We are requesting that the speed limit remains 35 miles per hour, and not 45 as depicted on the signage plan.

You are correct that the construction plans are designed for a maximum 45 mph speed limit. The Traffic Engineering Division of DPW will perform an engineering study to determine the appropriate speed limit once the roadway is constructed and opened to traffic.

4. We are requesting that the servitude ends at the limit of construction lines. We do not feel that the Staring Lane residents need to subsidize a "Land Bank" for the City. We have always stipulated that only the minimum amount of homeowner property should be taken from the homeowners.

The limits of construction shown in the construction plans represent the sloping necessary from the edge of sidewalk back to natural ground for both fill or cut sections. The limits of construction do not reflect the additional space that may be required for the utility company relocations. In all instances the taking line for the multi purpose servitude is either just outside the limits of construction or as needed for utility work. The City-Parish is not requesting any right of way that is not required to construct the project.

We are requesting double driveway entrances for those residents who wish to have one. Shamlin made this request earlier and it is presently of greater importance once we learned that many residences will be 16 feet from the servitude. This is a safety issue as residents will need the space to turn around before entering Staring Lane in the future.

The issue of driveways, access, and proximity of the roadway to existing homes is being addressed by the appraisers as part of the compensation offered to the property owners.

We are requesting a timeline for the various phases of the Staring Lane Green Light Project.

The right of way acquisition phase should be complete by the end of this year. We are currently studying the project to see if it will be constructed in phases or bid all as one package. Bids for the first phases of work should be received prior to the end of this year.

Where feasable, we are requesting that the tall, large trees on Staring Lane be saved and trimmed as were trees found near other right of ways, ie... Airline Highway from Florida Blvd to Old Hammond Highway , as well as in other areas of the city.

As noted in item 1 above, the goal is to try and elevate the overhead lines as much as possible and limit the amount of clearing of overhanging limbs to the greatest degree that we can.

We are requesting that a single traffic lane be utilized on both sides of the median since the new traffic count indicates less traffic than originally listed, ie.. streets such as Kennilworth, Sherwood forest , etc,,,

As previously communicated, this project was approved by the voters as a 4 lane facility, it has been designed as a four lane facility, and will be constructed as a four lane facility.

Your prompt response to this message will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideration.

Pete Territo, Ph. D.
SLCA Vice President


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