Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Update on Staring Lane Road Situation 5/31/06

Dr. Shamlin spoke with Department of Public Works Director Mr. Newkirk today and found out the following information:

1. Staring Lane is expected to be open for traffic by Wednesday, June 7th. The pipes in the center of the road from the bridge on Staring Lane to Chandler has been removed as of today (Thursday, May 31).

2. Regarding the Staring Lane widening decision, Mr. Newkirk says that no decision has been made yet about the number of lanes and a decision should be made in two to three weeks. He seemed open to the idea of having parts of Staring be three lanes instead of five. He promised to let Dr. Shamlin know as soon as a decision has been made.

3. To date no new traffic count has been made and Mr. Newkirk did not know if the light at Highland and Staring has been synchronized. He will look into it, and will also look into getting a new traffic count done of Staring Lane once the road opens up.


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