Friday, April 11, 2008

Letter to the Editor, published 04/10/08 in The Advocate

In the March 30 Advocate article titled “Politics in the bleachers,” Mayor-President Kip Holden was quoted as saying, “I try to make sure that I’m out with the people, because that’s the lifestyle I’ve lived pretty much since I’ve been in office.”

But as the old saying goes, he thinks all the people are equal, but some are more equal than others. Apparently those who are “more equal” are those who may be of use to him politically. For instance, he met with the opponents of Rouzan, but he will not meet with the homeowners on Staring Lane, the majority of whom are elderly.

Nearly a hundred homeowners on Staring Lane are going to lose parts of their front yards, and 12 families are going to lose their homes, because of his Green Light Plan. Apparently we have no political clout because for nearly three years he has consistently refused to meet with the homeowners individually, as a group or with the officers of our Staring Lane Community Association.

Now that he is starting his re-election campaign he wants us to believe he is interested in the welfare of all the people of East Baton Rouge Parish. Don’t you think someone truly interested in people, as people, rather than as means to political advancement, would at least agree to discuss the situation with the families whose homes he is going to destroy?

William Herke
retired biologistBaton Rouge

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Staring Lane concept plans now online

To see the Staring Lane project concept plans,
go to the following web link (or copy the following link and paste in your browser):

You can also get to it by, under the GreenLight Plan button, select the Staring Lane project, and then look for the concept plan.

April 1, 2008, meeting with Pete Newkirk and Mike Songy

Date: April 1,2008

From: Pete Territo, Vice President, SLCA

To: All SCLA Members

Re: April 1, 2008 Meeting with Pete Newkirk and Mike Songy

Sham, Mr. Redd, and I met with Pete Newkirk from the BR Department of Public Works and with Mike Songy from CSRS Engineers regarding the proposed Staring Lane roadwork. The purpose of this memo is to apprise you of the results of that meeting. The meeting was very productive in that each person was able to express their concerns. Both Pete Newkirk and Mike Songy listened attentively to our concerns. The results of that meeting were:

1. The final design plans are in process.
2. Right of Way maps should be developed by late summer/early fall.
3. Property apprasals should be completed in 2009.
4. The minimum distance from the home to the edge of the right of way is 25 feet.
5. The reason that the new lanes will cross Dawson Creek on the East side of the existing bridge is that the sewer pumping station is currently located on the West side of Staring Lane.
6. The reason that the 12 homes on the East side of Staring will be taken for the new roadway is because of the need to run the two new lanes on the East side of Staring. Mike Songy reported to us that if the new street improvements were centered on the North end of Staring Lane, all houses on BOTH sides would have to be taken. He said that the decision was made to take the houses on one side versus both sides.
7. Pete Newkirk will set-up a meeting with us and Entergy to explore the feasability of locating the utilities undedrground.
8. Mike Songy will see if it is feasable to reduce the width of the center median.
9. Mike Songy will see if it is feasable to apply the same Right of Way measurements that are at Worthington to the entirety of both sides of Staring Lane.
10. Mike Songy will review alternative possibilities for dimensions and placement of the sidewalks.
11. Mike Songy reported that the boulevard will prove to be safer for traffic, pedestrians, and homeowners in the future.
12. Pete Newkirk said that the displaced homeowners would be paid on the appraised value of their homes plus a relocation allowance.

Please share this message with your neighbors who do not have e-mail addresses.

We will keep you informed of future developments!